Are there professional standards for the coaching industry?

Yes, there is a code of ethics, core competencies, accreditation processes and an industry association. I currently hold memberships and work in accordance with the codes / standards of three professional associations –

The American Board of Hypnotherapy (ABH) http://www.abh-abnlp.com

The American Board of Neuro Linguistic Programming (ABNLP) http://www.abh-abnlp.com

The Career Development Association of New Zealand (CDANZ) http://www.cdanz.org.nz

These organisations provide extensive information related to the professional standards required of practitioners and give significant information on hypnosis / hypnotherapy, NLP and career development respectively.

How will I know you are the right coach for me?

For personal coaching it is very important that I am the right person for you. During our initial conversations and / or coaching session, we will identify if we are an appropriate fit.  Until then, check on my bio page (About Me) to learn more about me and my approach to coaching.

How do I get started in the coaching process? 

If you are interested in beginning the coaching process, please get in touch via the website links or contact me via phone so we can set up an appointment in person or by Skype, Zoom or Messenger.

What can I expect from you as my coach?

  • A partner and on-going resource in helping you to get the changes you want
  • Outcome-focused coaching to move you from your current situation to your desired one
  • Support in getting all your personal attributes and abilities positively aligned
  • A safe, encouraging and supportive environment for you to relax and explore new options
  • Personal growth and change in areas of your choice
  • A simple “agreement” as to how we will work together and on what – we will each have responsibilities
  • Use of the very best available tools for change
  • Focused attentive listening and honest feedback
  • Total respect for your privacy / confidentiality

What if I sign up for this and decide it is not right for me? Do you have a money back guarantee?

Yes, I call it my personal guarantee. I am able to help and get results with most people most of the time. If you do not believe that you have received good value or outcomes from my services, then I do not want your money. I will either refund your fees or provide additional services until the desired outcome is achieved. In other words, I believe in what I am offering and will carry the risk.

However, this also carries the proviso that you have attended scheduled sessions, participated fully in the coaching process, and completed all set tasking (including providing any requested feedback) as set out in our agreement.


Is this centre and my data secured and safe? 

Yes, in fact there are 3 levels of security provided to keep your data safe and confidential.
Username and password protected by Verisign security certificate protects your data on this sites secured pages (https://)

Is my informational confidential? 

Yes, this site is protected by a username / password system. You are the only one that has access to your information.


Can I contact you in-between our scheduled coaching sessions?

Yes! In the event that you would like support on something that comes up in between our meetings, or you need to provide requested feedback, or post an inquiry to the Client Log and we can have “just in time” coaching via your Private Client Website.


How do I access your private client area and how do I log in?

If you are interested in becoming a client or beginning the coaching process, you can create your own account by purchasing a coaching or course product.   This will get you registered and generate a login username and password that will enable you to access your private client area through the login button on the right of the main page menu.

Alternatively, contact me so that we can get an account created for you.  You will then have a login username and password and will be able to log in whenever you wish. 

Can I change the password you assigned to me?

Yes, you will need to login initially using the password I assigned to you. Once you login you can change your password at any time in your client profile page that you will find under the FORMS Tab.

What if I forget or lose my password and Login information?

If you simply forget your password, you can still go to the login page by clicking the login link. Click on the blue link “forgot password” to the right of the “login” button and in the new “Forgot Password” window, enter your username and click on the “Continue” button. You will receive an email shortly with your password included. If you misplaced both your username and password, contact me and I will forward you your information.

I’m trying to log in, but it will not accept my username or password, what do I do?

Remember that the login information is case sensitive, so enter it exactly as you created it (or as it was emailed to you).
Also, type in your login credentials and DO NOT copy / paste it, as this procedure can include empty spaces, which count in a password, thus rendering it incorrect. Again, if you do not remember your login credentials, you can contact me via email and I’ll forward them to you.


What makes up a “Welcome Packet” and what do I do with this?

A welcome packet consists of a questionnaire, a general agreement / contract as to how we will work together and additional information that will help to get us started in the coaching process. By completing the initial questionnaire you will assist me to choose the best methods to support you and to make the most effective use of our time together. You will also find our coaching agreement located in this packet.  It is customary for you to complete these items prior to our initial coaching session together.


What if I need to reschedule my appointment?

It is easy. With at least 24 hours’ notice, you can reschedule any appointment by using the online calendar system. Just complete the following steps:

  • Login to your Private Client Website Area
  • Click on the Calendar Menu
  • Locate and click on the desired block of  “Available” time (or if you already have an existing appointment, click on the title of your existing appointment that you wish to reschedule)
  • Click on the “edit” button and change the details of the appointment to correspond with an “Available” block of time

The calendar will update itself, you’ll see your new appointment reflected and I will receive an email notification letting me know of the change.


How do I easily make my payments for my coaching services?

You will need to pay for your first coaching session in advance at the time of purchase.   An invoice will be sent after subsequent coaching session.  If you choose to buy a package of sessions (Breakthrough) or a course you will be invoiced the package or course price up front.  A payment arrangement may be available on request.

You can (1) make a direct credit to either the bank account number located right on the invoice or (2) log in to the private clients area, click on the Payments Menu and pay by credit card or Paypal.  You will also see any outstanding balances due at that time.

What are the various methods of payment I can use to pay for my coaching services?

Cheque, cash, direct bank credit (if in New Zealand), or Credit Card (which includes Pay Pal). You can also have your coach process your payments for you on a credit / debit card, or if in New Zealand you could set up an automatic payment transfer through your bank.

  • To pay by Direct Credit (if in New Zealand) simply credit the funds to the account indicated (being sure to provide your name and reference details).
  • To pay by Credit Card or Pay Pal when you receive your invoice, click on the link at the bottom to log into the private client area and click on the Payments Menu. Here you can either enter your credit number or Pay Pal information and my system will automatically (and securely) process your payment.
  • To have your coach process your payments for you: Complete the “Credit Card Authorisation” form found under the Forms / Documents section of the private client area. Once I have the authorisation and billing information, I will automatically process your payments for you as outlined in the authorisation form.


What Coaching and Therapy Approaches do you Use?

Please refer to my Bio (About Me) where you will see that I have experience of and use a wide variety of coaching, counselling and therapy approaches and techniques. I am most interested in getting you changes and results as quickly and effectively as possible. The two approaches I most consistently utilise are hypnotherapy and Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) as they usually work quickly and effectively, utilising the amazing powers of the unconscious mind.  You will find extensive information on NLP and coaching by clicking on this link to the main Your Life Live It website: http://yourlifeliveit.com/faq



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