I am an Emotional Wellness Coach-Therapist and Neural Coding Expert.
With over 35 years of coaching, counselling, training and living life, I have gained a very wide range of experience in working with people and issues. This includes life coaching, student counselling, communication / relationship skills tutoring, training delivery, social work, career development and vocational rehabilitation.
My ongoing passion and mission is to assist people to change their behaviour patterns – allowing them to move away from what they don’t want towards getting what they do want in life.
I use these tools and techniques myself and am amazed at the outcomes and changes I can achieve – quickly and with surprisingly little effort.
I strongly believe that most of the common problem behaviours or barriers we face in living arise in large part from one or more of our basic emotional needs not being fully met and from emotional illiteracy. And many of these issues relate to stuck emotional energy.
Areas where I can help with coaching or courses include:
- Elimination of stress and anxiety as problems
- Clearing Depression and Negative Emotions
- Lifting Phobias and Traumas
- Overcoming Habits and Addictions
- Relationships and Communication
- Pain Management
- Creating your Dream Career
- Living Positively and Creating the Life You Want
As a coach therapist my focus is on promoting emotional wellness and I work with you to utilise your own inner resources to meet your emotional needs so you can take control of your life and live it fully. This also relates closely to your physical health through the close mind-body relationship.
I do this by using Hypnosis, NLP and other behaviour changing methods to assist you to utilise the full resources of your unconscious mind to easily and effortlessly bring about the desired changes. I am a certified and licensed coach with YourLifeLiveIt an international coaching and training organisation.
I currently live in Bluff, New Zealand with my lovely wife Linda. My favourite pastimes at the moment include: watching boat movements in the harbour, gardening, dining out and involvement with family and friends.
My office and training centre is based in Invercargill, New Zealand and I am happy to work with you anywhere via Zoom or online training courses.
I’m constantly expanding my skills and enjoy new challenges and learning. I am sincere, caring and approachable and a great (but not perfect!) listener with the ability to help people to find real solutions – usually from their own inner resources.
I look forward to assisting you on your journey to achieving the outcomes and life you want.
So if you are ready to implement positive change in your life contact me now.E